Public Ban ListThere are 45265 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
Jake 878636 Kick Wed, 24/07/19 (15:05) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (274).
Jake 879635 Kick Fri, 23/08/19 (06:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (251).
Jake 879520 Kick Mon, 19/08/19 (14:40) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (264).
Jake 879519 Kick Mon, 19/08/19 (14:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (273).
Jake 878667 Kick Thu, 25/07/19 (17:29) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (258).
Jake 878666 Kick Thu, 25/07/19 (17:27) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (287).
Jake 878668 Kick Thu, 25/07/19 (17:32) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (271).
Jake 878637 Kick Wed, 24/07/19 (15:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (268).
Jake 825827 Kick Thu, 20/07/17 (18:52) Permanent No glitching
jake 813007 Kick Sat, 14/01/17 (01:41) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
jake 813006 Kick Sat, 14/01/17 (01:41) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
jake.mullen0210 811484 Kick Thu, 22/12/16 (18:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
jakie chun 839435 Kick Mon, 08/01/18 (09:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (306).
JakMorser 866521 Kick Sat, 08/12/18 (18:54) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JakMorser 866519 Kick Sat, 08/12/18 (18:50) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JakMorser 866520 Kick Sat, 08/12/18 (18:54) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JalaBurazer 827316 Kick Fri, 11/08/17 (16:15) Permanent disrespect
JAM 824486 Kick Thu, 29/06/17 (13:24) Permanent better chill or vacation
JAM 830558 Kick Mon, 02/10/17 (16:02) Permanent being a bitch
JAM 830523 Kick Mon, 02/10/17 (11:27) Permanent spectator too long on full server
JAM 878712 Kick Sat, 27/07/19 (18:28) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAM 879138 Kick Wed, 07/08/19 (19:05) Permanent you were told not to go there
JAM 878780 Kick Tue, 30/07/19 (14:47) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAM 878313 Kick Mon, 15/07/19 (12:13) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAM 878320 Kick Mon, 15/07/19 (16:14) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAM 879144 Kick Thu, 08/08/19 (11:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jam 856469 Kick Fri, 13/07/18 (16:41) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAM 832778 Kick Tue, 07/11/17 (16:45) Permanent team stacking
jambi 866458 Kick Fri, 07/12/18 (22:23) Permanent Lag
jambi 866459 Kick Fri, 07/12/18 (22:24) Permanent CI
JAMD 851747 Kick Mon, 21/05/18 (20:30) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamerik 834567 Kick Sun, 26/11/17 (18:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (311).
jAMES 834818 Kick Wed, 29/11/17 (10:52) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
jAMES 833345 Kick Wed, 15/11/17 (13:47) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (578).
jAMES 833747 Kick Sun, 19/11/17 (11:25) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
jAMES 832702 Kick Mon, 06/11/17 (12:57) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James 847289 Kick Sun, 01/04/18 (17:18) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (309).
james 845437 Kick Thu, 15/03/18 (16:29) Permanent k move
James 843428 Kick Mon, 19/02/18 (01:07) Permanent No Martyrdom!
James 843457 Kick Mon, 19/02/18 (19:50) Permanent No Martyrdom!
james 836287 Kick Tue, 12/12/17 (07:42) Permanent No Martyrdom!
james 822882 Kick Fri, 02/06/17 (19:18) Permanent teamstack
James Bobo Fay 840643 Kick Sat, 20/01/18 (09:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 833113 Kick Sun, 12/11/17 (09:04) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 836836 Kick Sun, 17/12/17 (16:28) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 823626 Kick Thu, 15/06/17 (10:23) Permanent baheve
James Soledispa 823791 Kick Sun, 18/06/17 (18:06) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 825008 Kick Sun, 09/07/17 (11:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (862).
James Soledispa 824890 Kick Thu, 06/07/17 (22:14) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 825510 Kick Sat, 15/07/17 (09:46) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (799).
James Soledispa 825511 Kick Sat, 15/07/17 (09:48) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (613).
James Soledispa 823544 Kick Tue, 13/06/17 (13:19) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 825512 Kick Sat, 15/07/17 (09:52) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (429).
James Soledispa 824117 Kick Fri, 23/06/17 (09:18) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 824887 Kick Thu, 06/07/17 (21:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
James Soledispa 827231 Kick Thu, 10/08/17 (12:10) Permanent admin disrepsect
James Soledispa 826862 Kick Fri, 04/08/17 (22:32) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 827492 Kick Sun, 13/08/17 (16:45) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (663).
James Soledispa 828184 Kick Wed, 23/08/17 (15:45) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 828183 Kick Wed, 23/08/17 (15:44) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 828225 Kick Thu, 24/08/17 (08:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 828593 Kick Mon, 28/08/17 (13:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
James Soledispa 830424 Kick Fri, 29/09/17 (22:07) Permanent ping
James Soledispa 828872 Kick Fri, 01/09/17 (10:14) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (942).
James Soledispa 830425 Kick Fri, 29/09/17 (22:09) Permanent Ping <500
James Soledispa 831273 Kick Sat, 14/10/17 (23:11) Permanent Trolling
james075 811538 Kick Fri, 23/12/16 (12:54) Permanent No Martyrdom!
james075 811778 Kick Tue, 27/12/16 (12:15) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamesbond 866574 Kick Sun, 09/12/18 (09:11) Permanent team stacking
Jamesbond 861636 Kick Sat, 29/09/18 (16:59) Permanent team stacking
jamesdurward 837304 Kick Fri, 22/12/17 (08:57) Permanent AFK
Jami 812664 Kick Sun, 08/01/17 (08:58) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAMIE 852138 Kick Sat, 26/05/18 (07:20) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JAMIE 854566 Kick Wed, 20/06/18 (20:10) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamie6655 863816 Kick Sat, 03/11/18 (14:03) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamie6655 811292 Kick Mon, 19/12/16 (18:27) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamie6655 810559 Kick Sat, 10/12/16 (16:04) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Jamie6655 810283 Kick Wed, 07/12/16 (15:13) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Jamin1728 813673 Kick Sun, 22/01/17 (23:12) Permanent No Martyrdom!
JammY 847580 Kick Thu, 05/04/18 (02:09) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
jamt 829682 Kick Mon, 11/09/17 (16:25) Permanent AFK
jamt11235813 827805 Kick Fri, 18/08/17 (18:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (344).
jamt11235813 827810 Kick Fri, 18/08/17 (20:02) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (354).
jamt11235813 827622 Kick Tue, 15/08/17 (19:50) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (585).
jamt11235813 827625 Kick Tue, 15/08/17 (20:21) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Jan 825387 Kick Thu, 13/07/17 (14:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Jan 825386 Kick Thu, 13/07/17 (14:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Jan 822641 Kick Wed, 31/05/17 (13:27) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Jan 859365 Kick Thu, 23/08/18 (10:02) Permanent team stack
jan pon 863697 Kick Thu, 01/11/18 (09:56) Permanent blocking
jan pon 856388 Kick Thu, 12/07/18 (15:55) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (554).
jan pon 872421 Kick Sat, 16/03/19 (13:19) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (466).
jan pon 869827 Kick Sat, 26/01/19 (16:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (304).
janbazhussain 875633 Kick Sun, 12/05/19 (00:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (256).
janbazhussain 875632 Kick Sun, 12/05/19 (00:45) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (299).
janbazhussain 875634 Kick Sun, 12/05/19 (00:53) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (252).
janbazhussain 872561 Kick Mon, 18/03/19 (10:08) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (267).
janbazhussain 873267 Kick Wed, 27/03/19 (21:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (255).
janbazhussain 872962 Kick Sat, 23/03/19 (19:17) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (283).
JandroGadict 852708 Kick Fri, 01/06/18 (20:24) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect

Records: 20401 to 20500 of 45265
