Public Ban ListThere are 45268 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
Matuzza 877189 Kick Wed, 12/06/19 (13:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Mau 852613 Kick Thu, 31/05/18 (20:29) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (485).
MauHD 812271 Kick Tue, 03/01/17 (11:52) Permanent No Martyrdom!
mauiz 873430 Kick Sat, 30/03/19 (01:44) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
maui_44 868956 Kick Sat, 12/01/19 (15:33) Permanent WH
maui_44 868958 Kick Sat, 12/01/19 (15:34) Permanent WH
maui_44 868941 Kick Sat, 12/01/19 (14:55) Permanent AFK
maui_44 854051 Kick Fri, 15/06/18 (15:35) Permanent turn the WH off you were warned
MauricioPin 848913 Kick Sat, 21/04/18 (08:28) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
MauricioPin 843383 Kick Sun, 18/02/18 (13:49) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843385 Kick Sun, 18/02/18 (13:51) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843781 Kick Sat, 24/02/18 (15:44) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 844967 Kick Sat, 10/03/18 (11:10) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843580 Kick Wed, 21/02/18 (11:01) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 844966 Kick Sat, 10/03/18 (10:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843513 Kick Tue, 20/02/18 (14:32) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843512 Kick Tue, 20/02/18 (13:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 843436 Kick Mon, 19/02/18 (11:15) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 845928 Kick Mon, 19/03/18 (14:00) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 847474 Kick Tue, 03/04/18 (15:23) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
MauricioPin 846262 Kick Fri, 23/03/18 (10:40) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MauricioPin 855391 Kick Sat, 30/06/18 (16:59) Permanent goffing off
Mauriicio =D 836429 Kick Wed, 13/12/17 (12:52) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Mauriicio =D 831363 Kick Mon, 16/10/17 (13:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (385).
mauros 843235 Kick Fri, 16/02/18 (19:10) Permanent blocking door
maury_ops 835773 Kick Thu, 07/12/17 (22:43) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (365).
maury_ops 836170 Kick Mon, 11/12/17 (13:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (318).
MaVie 815805 Kick Sat, 18/02/17 (23:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MAX 812847 Kick Wed, 11/01/17 (11:22) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MAX 831039 Kick Tue, 10/10/17 (12:32) Permanent play or leave
MAX 832089 Kick Sun, 29/10/17 (11:08) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
MAX 823504 Kick Mon, 12/06/17 (14:50) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (438).
MAX 823503 Kick Mon, 12/06/17 (14:44) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (328).
max 816102 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (12:14) Permanent ping too high
max 816113 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (15:44) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816103 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (12:15) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816100 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (11:47) Permanent bad ping
max 816116 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (15:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816101 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (11:58) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816117 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (15:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816115 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (15:47) Permanent No Martyrdom!
max 816114 Kick Thu, 23/02/17 (15:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Max 857918 Kick Mon, 30/07/18 (01:32) Permanent Do not use banned weapon!
Max 867229 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (09:28) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (301).
Max 867278 Kick Wed, 19/12/18 (07:19) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (313).
Max 867232 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (10:02) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (309).
Max 867231 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (09:33) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).
Max 867211 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (09:00) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (310).
Max 867234 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (12:00) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (306).
Max 867230 Kick Tue, 18/12/18 (09:31) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (306).
Max 836134 Kick Mon, 11/12/17 (04:33) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (341).
Max 834721 Kick Tue, 28/11/17 (12:53) Permanent b3 block and team stack
Max 845576 Kick Fri, 16/03/18 (15:42) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Max Payne 853377 Kick Fri, 08/06/18 (12:13) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MAXaraJ 846810 Kick Wed, 28/03/18 (09:34) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MAXaraJ 846812 Kick Wed, 28/03/18 (09:36) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maxcohen 824712 Kick Tue, 04/07/17 (00:08) Permanent AD
Maxcohen 825184 Kick Tue, 11/07/17 (17:00) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maxcohen 825155 Kick Tue, 11/07/17 (12:11) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maxcohen 825154 Kick Tue, 11/07/17 (12:08) Permanent No Martyrdom!
maxfri2033 835095 Kick Sat, 02/12/17 (11:31) Permanent fix ping
maxhabs007 829876 Kick Sat, 16/09/17 (12:29) Permanent lagging badly
maxhabs007 830037 Kick Wed, 20/09/17 (13:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (379).
maxhabs007 830038 Kick Wed, 20/09/17 (13:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (312).
MAXI 850099 Kick Sat, 05/05/18 (16:42) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
maxi tuning 841640 Kick Tue, 30/01/18 (14:03) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maxi4 | magicdr 811119 Kick Sat, 17/12/16 (09:37) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
maximalminer 810506 Kick Sat, 10/12/16 (00:36) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maximus 820411 Kick Thu, 04/05/17 (16:58) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
maximus 846766 Kick Tue, 27/03/18 (15:21) Permanent No Martyrdom!
maximus 846765 Kick Tue, 27/03/18 (15:21) Permanent No Martyrdom!
maximus :v 843252 Kick Fri, 16/02/18 (21:57) Permanent Ping
maximus :v 870427 Kick Wed, 06/02/19 (19:25) Permanent wh
maxisabitch 810663 Kick Sun, 11/12/16 (22:05) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MAXI_URUGUAY_PE 841248 Kick Fri, 26/01/18 (13:26) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MaXKiLLz 875029 Kick Fri, 26/04/19 (17:36) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MaxLeMoose 813829 Kick Wed, 25/01/17 (14:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MaxPayne 820121 Kick Sun, 30/04/17 (11:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MaxPayne 820244 Kick Mon, 01/05/17 (12:36) Permanent No Martyrdom!
MaxPayne 820295 Kick Tue, 02/05/17 (08:23) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (575).
MaxPower 877683 Kick Wed, 26/06/19 (16:52) Permanent you appear to be away from your keyboard
Maxqia 848557 Kick Mon, 16/04/18 (03:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Maxriukan 874899 Kick Tue, 23/04/19 (19:45) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (322).
Maxriukan 870977 Kick Sun, 17/02/19 (11:09) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (321).
Maxriukan 869095 Kick Mon, 14/01/19 (18:25) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (345).
Maxriukan 869093 Kick Mon, 14/01/19 (17:36) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (333).
Maxriukan 869110 Kick Mon, 14/01/19 (20:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (375).
Maxriukan 869799 Kick Fri, 25/01/19 (19:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (514).
Maxriukan 870872 Kick Thu, 14/02/19 (12:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (303).
Maxriukan 870875 Kick Thu, 14/02/19 (14:24) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (305).
Maxriukan 868892 Kick Fri, 11/01/19 (15:01) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (314).
Maxriukan 871027 Kick Mon, 18/02/19 (17:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (322).
Maxriukan 870142 Kick Thu, 31/01/19 (15:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (309).
Maxriukan 868898 Kick Fri, 11/01/19 (18:16) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (361).
Maxriukan 870498 Kick Thu, 07/02/19 (17:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (367).
Maxriukan 871221 Kick Fri, 22/02/19 (18:15) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (334).
Maxriukan 871220 Kick Fri, 22/02/19 (18:12) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (316).
Maxriukan 871363 Kick Sun, 24/02/19 (23:19) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (317).
Maxriukan 872224 Kick Tue, 12/03/19 (20:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (315).
Maxriukan 872964 Kick Sat, 23/03/19 (19:53) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).

Records: 26901 to 27000 of 45268
