Public Ban ListThere are 45268 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
PanzerFaust 872586 Kick Mon, 18/03/19 (17:48) Permanent severe lag
PanzerFox 863064 Kick Mon, 22/10/18 (09:49) Permanent binds
PAO 829597 Kick Sat, 09/09/17 (18:21) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PapaJoe 815333 Kick Sun, 12/02/17 (08:09) Permanent blocking
PAPALY 826680 Kick Wed, 02/08/17 (19:39) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PAPALY 825806 Kick Thu, 20/07/17 (14:44) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PAPALY 825150 Kick Tue, 11/07/17 (12:03) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PAPALY 825151 Kick Tue, 11/07/17 (12:03) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PAPALY 837107 Kick Wed, 20/12/17 (12:23) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
PAPALY 834089 Kick Wed, 22/11/17 (11:43) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (404).
PAPAnatas 809618 Kick Sun, 27/11/16 (19:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (305).
PAPAnatas 809614 Kick Sun, 27/11/16 (19:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (314).
PapaNightHawk 852058 Kick Fri, 25/05/18 (10:33) Permanent fix your lagging
PapaRaven 819272 Kick Sat, 15/04/17 (18:06) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
PaPa_Doc 817827 Kick Thu, 23/03/17 (18:24) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
PaPa_Zam3 845852 Kick Sun, 18/03/18 (16:51) Permanent you appear to be away from your keyboard
PaperPlane 822211 Kick Fri, 26/05/17 (09:21) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (344).
PAPERYCODER20 819696 Kick Fri, 21/04/17 (11:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
PAPERYCODER20 818628 Kick Tue, 04/04/17 (11:57) Permanent No Martyrdom!
papi 818718 Kick Thu, 06/04/17 (15:38) Permanent turn it off
papi 854792 Kick Sat, 23/06/18 (16:04) Permanent No Martyrdom!
pAPI-LARA 876060 Kick Tue, 21/05/19 (19:23) Permanent No Martyrdom!
papielfollad 815637 Kick Fri, 17/02/17 (14:18) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
papiz 828160 Kick Wed, 23/08/17 (08:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (352).
papi_pro_777 844744 Kick Wed, 07/03/18 (22:08) Permanent WH
Pappi 820965 Kick Wed, 10/05/17 (23:16) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Pappi 820964 Kick Wed, 10/05/17 (23:16) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Papuchis 841457 Kick Sun, 28/01/18 (12:19) Permanent No Martyrdom!
papukaija 815130 Kick Thu, 09/02/17 (21:34) Permanent My name
papurro 863901 Kick Sun, 04/11/18 (15:29) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (303).
paquito 863334 Kick Thu, 25/10/18 (20:52) Permanent No Martyrdom!
paquito 817986 Kick Sat, 25/03/17 (20:48) Permanent No Martyrdom!
paquito 817664 Kick Mon, 20/03/17 (16:35) Permanent No Martyrdom!
paquito 817635 Kick Sun, 19/03/17 (22:17) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PaquitoJr 822407 Kick Sun, 28/05/17 (13:05) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PaquitoJr 822257 Kick Fri, 26/05/17 (20:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PaquitoJr 822254 Kick Fri, 26/05/17 (20:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
PaquitoJr 820740 Kick Mon, 08/05/17 (14:58) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PaquitoJr 821745 Kick Fri, 19/05/17 (18:35) Permanent No Martyrdom!
para celeste 815989 Kick Tue, 21/02/17 (17:58) Permanent turn it off
Parabellum 899029 Ban Fri, 01/11/24 (21:37) Permanent aimbot
ParacodA 834886 Kick Wed, 29/11/17 (23:51) Permanent PPING 999
ParacodA 834959 Kick Thu, 30/11/17 (21:13) Permanent No Martyrdom!
ParacodA 834920 Kick Thu, 30/11/17 (16:28) Permanent No Martyrdom!
ParacodA 834885 Kick Wed, 29/11/17 (23:45) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (301).
ParacodA 834709 Kick Tue, 28/11/17 (09:15) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (302).
ParacodA 834887 Kick Wed, 29/11/17 (23:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (305).
ParacodA 834713 Kick Tue, 28/11/17 (10:29) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).
ParacodA 834714 Kick Tue, 28/11/17 (10:31) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (315).
ParadoxPlays 879116 Kick Tue, 06/08/19 (22:53) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (339).
paragon 859157 Kick Sat, 18/08/18 (16:45) Permanent blockngic
Paralend 861506 Kick Fri, 28/09/18 (12:10) Permanent 300+ ping/lag
Paralend 859318 Kick Wed, 22/08/18 (08:22) Permanent team stacking
Paralend 861505 Kick Fri, 28/09/18 (12:10) Permanent 300+ ping and lag
Paralend 862311 Kick Tue, 09/10/18 (11:20) Permanent lag, try reconnect
Paralend 862312 Kick Tue, 09/10/18 (11:22) Permanent arguing admin
Paralend 864975 Kick Sun, 18/11/18 (10:52) Permanent unbalanced
Paralend 866032 Kick Mon, 03/12/18 (12:18) Permanent interferring
Paralend 867763 Kick Wed, 26/12/18 (10:58) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 867804 Kick Thu, 27/12/18 (08:03) Permanent team stacking
Paralend 855844 Kick Fri, 06/07/18 (13:50) Permanent behave
Paralend 856521 Kick Sat, 14/07/18 (11:11) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 833324 Kick Wed, 15/11/17 (10:11) Permanent too high ping
Paralend 840722 Kick Sun, 21/01/18 (10:11) Permanent ping too high 400+
Paralend 848858 Kick Fri, 20/04/18 (14:45) Permanent lag too much
Paralend 849349 Kick Thu, 26/04/18 (14:26) Permanent unbalancing
Paralend 836044 Kick Sun, 10/12/17 (08:39) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 819783 Kick Sun, 23/04/17 (11:56) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
Paralend 819694 Kick Fri, 21/04/17 (09:55) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
Paralend 829765 Kick Wed, 13/09/17 (14:14) Permanent unbalancing
Paralend 829766 Kick Wed, 13/09/17 (14:15) Permanent bitching admin
Paralend 830531 Kick Mon, 02/10/17 (11:32) Permanent spectator too long on full server
Paralend 830090 Kick Thu, 21/09/17 (15:29) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 825458 Kick Fri, 14/07/17 (16:27) Permanent ping too high +400
Paralend 825230 Kick Wed, 12/07/17 (09:06) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 823237 Kick Wed, 07/06/17 (09:12) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Paralend 827101 Kick Tue, 08/08/17 (17:18) Permanent ping too high
Parasit 811438 Kick Thu, 22/12/16 (01:01) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (312). 815203 Kick Fri, 10/02/17 (23:34) Permanent ping
PaRaTuMBA 878131 Kick Thu, 11/07/19 (11:41) Permanent No Martyrdom!
PaRaTuMBA 878141 Kick Thu, 11/07/19 (12:48) Permanent No Martyrdom!
paresyouu 860202 Kick Fri, 07/09/18 (13:47) Permanent get down
pariente66 870616 Kick Fri, 08/02/19 (21:35) Permanent wh
pariente66 870604 Kick Fri, 08/02/19 (20:45) Permanent Wh
pariente66 868773 Kick Wed, 09/01/19 (21:30) Permanent No Martyrdom!
ParisHilton 850891 Kick Sun, 13/05/18 (07:28) Permanent AFK
parkler 816388 Kick Wed, 01/03/17 (13:18) Permanent knock it off
Parli 810577 Kick Sat, 10/12/16 (19:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (330).
Parli 810579 Kick Sat, 10/12/16 (19:25) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (341).
Parol06 849758 Kick Tue, 01/05/18 (09:14) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (867).
Parth 849177 Kick Tue, 24/04/18 (07:22) Permanent shut u^p
Parth 868641 Kick Tue, 08/01/19 (02:21) Permanent weap next bind
PARTIAL 813519 Kick Sat, 21/01/17 (01:42) Permanent elevator bot gliching
Partial 813800 Kick Wed, 25/01/17 (00:46) Permanent dont glitch
Particle. 864082 Kick Tue, 06/11/18 (15:39) Permanent WH
Particle. 864080 Kick Tue, 06/11/18 (15:18) Permanent configs
party_sock 820475 Kick Fri, 05/05/17 (14:48) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
party_sock 820476 Kick Fri, 05/05/17 (14:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (431).
pasindu D {3} 872818 Kick Fri, 22/03/19 (05:04) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (283).
paspas_norlan 811111 Kick Sat, 17/12/16 (08:20) Permanent No Martyrdom!

Records: 31001 to 31100 of 45268
