Public Ban ListThere are 45268 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
semai123 840698 Kick Sat, 20/01/18 (21:09) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SemiNasty 857357 Kick Tue, 24/07/18 (20:01) Permanent WH
Senapai204 868890 Kick Fri, 11/01/19 (13:47) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Senapai204 868884 Kick Fri, 11/01/19 (07:10) Permanent No Martyrdom!
senderson 858036 Kick Tue, 31/07/18 (18:03) Permanent AA
senderson 820758 Kick Mon, 08/05/17 (18:18) Permanent knock it off
senderson 821021 Kick Thu, 11/05/17 (22:57) Permanent mg glitch
senderson 842780 Kick Mon, 12/02/18 (12:40) Permanent laying on stairs blocking
sendit 833436 Kick Thu, 16/11/17 (20:31) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
sendit 833437 Kick Thu, 16/11/17 (20:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 832645 Kick Sun, 05/11/17 (15:41) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (656).
Senpai 816882 Kick Wed, 08/03/17 (16:17) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (313).
Senpai 829984 Kick Tue, 19/09/17 (08:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 828921 Kick Sat, 02/09/17 (07:47) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 831567 Kick Thu, 19/10/17 (06:42) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 830156 Kick Sat, 23/09/17 (11:56) Permanent AFK
Senpai 829565 Kick Sat, 09/09/17 (05:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 830033 Kick Wed, 20/09/17 (12:38) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (340).
Senpai 829474 Kick Fri, 08/09/17 (04:27) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).
Senpai 829675 Kick Mon, 11/09/17 (15:02) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 830265 Kick Mon, 25/09/17 (11:10) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 827665 Kick Wed, 16/08/17 (12:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 827148 Kick Wed, 09/08/17 (13:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 828107 Kick Tue, 22/08/17 (11:59) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 828023 Kick Mon, 21/08/17 (13:09) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai 827663 Kick Wed, 16/08/17 (11:38) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Senpai Kush 832602 Kick Sun, 05/11/17 (07:24) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
Sensei_LF 867849 Kick Thu, 27/12/18 (15:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (307).
Sensei_LF 867848 Kick Thu, 27/12/18 (15:52) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (309).
Sensei_LF 867847 Kick Thu, 27/12/18 (15:50) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (309).
Senwy 828164 Kick Wed, 23/08/17 (11:18) Permanent Nade switching
Seor Pompas 830540 Kick Mon, 02/10/17 (13:37) Permanent wh
sepehr 862320 Kick Tue, 09/10/18 (13:41) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (325).
Sephiroth 835185 Kick Sun, 03/12/17 (09:22) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (326).
Sephiroth 833220 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (15:38) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (310).
Sephiroth 833243 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (21:19) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (349).
Sephiroth 833246 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (21:36) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (340).
Sephiroth 833376 Kick Wed, 15/11/17 (22:31) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (341).
Sephiroth 833255 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (23:06) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (319).
Sephiroth 833245 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (21:35) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (343).
Sephiroth 833244 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (21:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (342).
Sephiroth 835184 Kick Sun, 03/12/17 (09:20) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (320).
Sephiroth 836036 Kick Sun, 10/12/17 (04:36) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (404).
Sephiroth 835899 Kick Sat, 09/12/17 (02:01) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (351).
Sephiroth 835900 Kick Sat, 09/12/17 (02:02) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (331).
Sephiroth 835787 Kick Fri, 08/12/17 (10:30) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (359).
Sephiroth 835784 Kick Fri, 08/12/17 (09:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (321).
Sephiroth 831436 Kick Tue, 17/10/17 (14:26) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (307).
Sephiroth 831836 Kick Tue, 24/10/17 (13:58) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (301).
Sephiroth 831367 Kick Mon, 16/10/17 (14:40) Permanent unbalancing
Sephiroth 831422 Kick Tue, 17/10/17 (02:12) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (325).
Sephiroth 831833 Kick Tue, 24/10/17 (13:01) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (303).
Sephiroth 831434 Kick Tue, 17/10/17 (13:56) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).
seraj 832622 Kick Sun, 05/11/17 (12:37) Permanent 234w aimbot
Seraph 833336 Kick Wed, 15/11/17 (11:37) Permanent don't troll admin
Seraph 833206 Kick Mon, 13/11/17 (12:08) Permanent you appear to be away from your keyboard
Seraph 827025 Kick Mon, 07/08/17 (08:48) Permanent AFK
serega 813228 Kick Mon, 16/01/17 (19:20) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
Serega 878722 Kick Sun, 28/07/19 (04:08) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (328).
Serega 878723 Kick Sun, 28/07/19 (04:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (341).
serega 873760 Kick Wed, 03/04/19 (19:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (286).
serega 873761 Kick Wed, 03/04/19 (19:09) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (289).
Serega 852133 Kick Sat, 26/05/18 (06:33) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Serega 852131 Kick Sat, 26/05/18 (06:27) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Serega152rus 818269 Kick Wed, 29/03/17 (22:19) Permanent AFK
serega1990 863034 Kick Sun, 21/10/18 (23:32) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (308).
serega1990 860232 Kick Fri, 07/09/18 (21:47) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (307).
SeregA610 858411 Kick Sun, 05/08/18 (11:14) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SeregA610 858410 Kick Sun, 05/08/18 (11:14) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Serega_ural'ski 842103 Kick Sun, 04/02/18 (09:55) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SerFleis99XD 824587 Kick Sat, 01/07/17 (14:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (304).
SerFleis99XD 824590 Kick Sat, 01/07/17 (15:21) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (302).
SerFleis99XD 824591 Kick Sat, 01/07/17 (15:24) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (302).
SerFleis99XD 830334 Kick Wed, 27/09/17 (14:17) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (318).
SerFleis99XD 832006 Kick Fri, 27/10/17 (20:18) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (303).
serg 812403 Kick Wed, 04/01/17 (19:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg 811067 Kick Fri, 16/12/16 (15:58) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg 814405 Kick Wed, 01/02/17 (12:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg 815190 Kick Fri, 10/02/17 (19:37) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg 814409 Kick Wed, 01/02/17 (16:16) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg 814415 Kick Wed, 01/02/17 (17:24) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Serg 844236 Kick Fri, 02/03/18 (22:27) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Serg 844237 Kick Fri, 02/03/18 (22:40) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Sergej [SVK] 813263 Kick Tue, 17/01/17 (07:58) Permanent teamstacking
Sergey 869976 Kick Mon, 28/01/19 (23:06) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
Sergey 839948 Kick Sat, 13/01/18 (13:30) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
sergey228 818844 Kick Sat, 08/04/17 (11:11) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (400).
sergey228 818839 Kick Sat, 08/04/17 (09:52) Permanent No Martyrdom!
sergey228 818836 Kick Sat, 08/04/17 (09:02) Permanent No Martyrdom!
sergey228 818835 Kick Sat, 08/04/17 (09:02) Permanent No Martyrdom!
sergey228 818842 Kick Sat, 08/04/17 (11:02) Permanent No Martyrdom!
sergey_pro 826315 Kick Thu, 27/07/17 (21:55) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (360).
sergio 817103 Kick Sun, 12/03/17 (09:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
sergio 817102 Kick Sun, 12/03/17 (09:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Sergio 869911 Kick Mon, 28/01/19 (02:40) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Sergio47 846407 Kick Sat, 24/03/18 (16:39) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Sergio47 827564 Kick Mon, 14/08/17 (21:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Sergio47 827565 Kick Mon, 14/08/17 (21:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
serg_n 863868 Kick Sun, 04/11/18 (03:34) Permanent Do not use banned weapon!
serg_n 863866 Kick Sun, 04/11/18 (03:31) Permanent Do not use banned weapon!

Records: 35401 to 35500 of 45268
