Public Ban ListThere are 45268 active bans/tempbans for
Client ASC   DESC Ban-id Type Added ASC   DESC Duration Expires ASC   DESC Reason
SlewedRobin 854140 Kick Sat, 16/06/18 (09:00) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (304).
SlewedRobin 853758 Kick Tue, 12/06/18 (02:19) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlewedRobin 854266 Kick Sun, 17/06/18 (13:44) Permanent connection interupted, reconnect
SlewedRobin 854238 Kick Sun, 17/06/18 (02:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (322).
SlewedRobin 854261 Kick Sun, 17/06/18 (12:17) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (314).
SlewedRobin 854545 Kick Wed, 20/06/18 (09:46) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlewedRobin 854239 Kick Sun, 17/06/18 (02:53) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (325).
SlewedRobin 852054 Kick Fri, 25/05/18 (10:24) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlewedRobin 850400 Kick Tue, 08/05/18 (11:49) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlewedRobin 850409 Kick Tue, 08/05/18 (11:54) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlewedRobin 850412 Kick Tue, 08/05/18 (12:00) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (318).
SlewedRobin 850413 Kick Tue, 08/05/18 (12:03) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (322).
SlewedRobin 850730 Kick Sat, 12/05/18 (05:07) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (316).
SlewedRobin 851173 Kick Wed, 16/05/18 (04:48) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (586).
SlewedRobin 850403 Kick Tue, 08/05/18 (11:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
slice&dice 826050 Kick Sun, 23/07/17 (22:09) Permanent 999 ping
Slicer 825634 Kick Mon, 17/07/17 (10:06) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SliceR 816603 Kick Sat, 04/03/17 (16:17) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
SliceR 816714 Kick Sun, 05/03/17 (15:36) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
Slicer 868957 Kick Sat, 12/01/19 (15:33) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Slicer 840817 Kick Sun, 21/01/18 (23:06) Permanent no name calling
slick dick rick 871152 Kick Thu, 21/02/19 (12:44) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848781 Kick Thu, 19/04/18 (15:33) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848873 Kick Fri, 20/04/18 (15:59) Permanent AFK
SlickSkys 848348 Kick Fri, 13/04/18 (13:12) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848351 Kick Fri, 13/04/18 (13:14) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 847199 Kick Sat, 31/03/18 (17:04) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848341 Kick Fri, 13/04/18 (13:04) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848344 Kick Fri, 13/04/18 (13:07) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848499 Kick Sun, 15/04/18 (09:31) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlickSkys 848347 Kick Fri, 13/04/18 (13:10) Permanent No Martyrdom!
slide 824194 Kick Sat, 24/06/17 (12:04) Permanent blocking
Slider 870924 Kick Fri, 15/02/19 (18:27) Permanent One AFK
SLIM SHADY :D 841924 Kick Fri, 02/02/18 (11:05) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
slimane_down 812196 Kick Mon, 02/01/17 (14:07) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlimShady 833287 Kick Tue, 14/11/17 (17:26) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (330).
SlipknoT 833564 Kick Sat, 18/11/17 (09:02) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 840247 Kick Tue, 16/01/18 (10:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 844773 Kick Thu, 08/03/18 (08:33) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
SlipknoT 844772 Kick Thu, 08/03/18 (08:33) Permanent Rule #2: Bolted weapons only R700 OR M40A3
SlipknoT 878855 Kick Thu, 01/08/19 (08:13) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 878850 Kick Thu, 01/08/19 (06:59) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 878852 Kick Thu, 01/08/19 (07:01) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 878857 Kick Thu, 01/08/19 (08:15) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SlipknoT 864764 Kick Thu, 15/11/18 (10:04) Permanent change your name
slob on a cob 827261 Kick Thu, 10/08/17 (17:42) Permanent No Martyrdom!
slogoman 852192 Kick Sun, 27/05/18 (01:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (520).
Sloow Mow 839613 Kick Tue, 09/01/18 (22:41) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Sloow Mow 825917 Kick Fri, 21/07/17 (21:33) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slot 849836 Kick Wed, 02/05/18 (03:59) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Slot 849835 Kick Wed, 02/05/18 (03:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Slot 850002 Kick Fri, 04/05/18 (06:19) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Slot 855170 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:48) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slot 855173 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:51) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slot 855153 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (07:49) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slot 854848 Kick Sun, 24/06/18 (09:07) Permanent team stack
sloth 861018 Kick Fri, 21/09/18 (18:12) Permanent turn them off
slowBob 865377 Kick Sat, 24/11/18 (13:41) Permanent ban evading
slowBob 865384 Kick Sat, 24/11/18 (13:47) Permanent ban evading
slowBob 865391 Kick Sat, 24/11/18 (13:52) Permanent Ban evading
slowBob 865390 Kick Sat, 24/11/18 (13:52) Permanent Ban evading
slowBob 865381 Kick Sat, 24/11/18 (13:44) Permanent Ban evading
slowfight 855597 Kick Tue, 03/07/18 (11:08) Permanent blocking door
slowSlon 823226 Kick Tue, 06/06/17 (23:06) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (335).
slowSlon 823218 Kick Tue, 06/06/17 (21:50) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
slowSlon 823225 Kick Tue, 06/06/17 (23:05) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (437).
slowSlon 823227 Kick Tue, 06/06/17 (23:10) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (592).
SLR 865653 Kick Tue, 27/11/18 (17:35) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SLR 869483 Kick Sun, 20/01/19 (13:20) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SLS vlone 875586 Kick Fri, 10/05/19 (22:26) Permanent Spawn Killing
SLS vlone 875686 Kick Sun, 12/05/19 (21:11) Permanent CI
Slug 819712 Kick Fri, 21/04/17 (14:56) Permanent No Martyrdom!
SlunkMcfunk 812764 Kick Mon, 09/01/17 (23:07) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Slurp 815626 Kick Fri, 17/02/17 (13:27) Permanent knock it off
Sly-Sniper 871308 Kick Sun, 24/02/19 (00:23) Permanent WH
Slyt 855166 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:41) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slyt 855171 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:48) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slyt 855163 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:35) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Slyt 855164 Kick Wed, 27/06/18 (08:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SMAK 847460 Kick Tue, 03/04/18 (08:42) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (344).
SMAK 847459 Kick Tue, 03/04/18 (08:40) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (323).
SMAK 847263 Kick Sun, 01/04/18 (13:12) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (316).
SMaRT_PuPSiK 839593 Kick Tue, 09/01/18 (19:39) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
Smedley Butler 851865 Kick Wed, 23/05/18 (11:43) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Smedley Butler 851924 Kick Thu, 24/05/18 (00:06) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Smedley Butler 861450 Kick Thu, 27/09/18 (14:53) Permanent No Martyrdom!
Smedley Butler 861453 Kick Thu, 27/09/18 (15:18) Permanent No Martyrdom!
smell de finger 854807 Kick Sat, 23/06/18 (22:05) Permanent blocking
smeteysmet 815100 Kick Thu, 09/02/17 (18:58) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SmexyBoi 819111 Kick Thu, 13/04/17 (10:33) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SmexyBoi 829340 Kick Wed, 06/09/17 (18:57) Permanent fix the ping
SmexyBoi 829431 Kick Thu, 07/09/17 (22:22) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (999).
SmexyBoi 810200 Kick Tue, 06/12/16 (00:29) Permanent advertising in your name
SmexyBoi 839879 Kick Fri, 12/01/18 (21:40) Permanent WH
SmexyBoi 848263 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:29) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (349).
SmexyBoi 848266 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:37) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (458).
SmexyBoi 848265 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:34) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (373).
SmexyBoi 848261 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:27) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (483).
SmexyBoi 848260 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:24) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (442).
SmexyBoi 848264 Kick Thu, 12/04/18 (10:32) Permanent because his ping was too high for this server (310).

Records: 36701 to 36800 of 45268
